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We have planning permission granted today at the repeater site.

This is the yes we were awaiting.

There will be a full detailed report on where we go from here in the next day or two.

Andy G4MYS Repeater(s) Keeper

19/12/2017 MEETING

The Southampton Amateur Radio Club will be meeting on Wednesday 20th December. Anyone interested to come along and talk about the repeaters
members of The South Hampshire Repeater Group will be on hand.

New and old members always welcome. Last month great to see the return of two members from the 80's

WEDNESDAY Evening: 20th December 2017 at the Peartree Inn, Woolston, SO19 7GZ

1900 for 1930 : large car park, no worries parking!

Drink policy: we purchase our own they sell soft drinks / Coffee, water and booze! however they dont do meals.

16/12/2017 The South Hampshire Repeater Group would like to thank The Breeze Southampton & Community Kickstart for a grant to assist in the purchase
of £350 towards the purchase of a new digital repeater to cover Southampton & the surounding area.
If you would like more information on how the kickstart could help your group and charity
organisation then click on the images

16/12/2017 The SHRG has been given almost new back up batteries to keep the repeaters on air during power cuts, with a total of 152 Amp-Hours, this is an enormous help,as we wish in particular provide emergency communications capability should the need arise, this should give in excess of 10 hours continuous transmit time from one of our repeaters. The group is grateful to Geoff G4ICD, one of our members for his kind donation. Editors note: We plan to run the 4 repeaters from 3 different power supply units to ensure off times due to power supply problems are reduced.

13/12/2017 GB7MT NEWS

We are pleased to announce that an Anonymous Benefactor has provided us with the linking equipment to connect GB7MT to the Internet, this kind donation has saved
us several hundreds of pounds and will help to bring this project to an excellent start, as the repeater will be fully linked from day One.

We hope to have full permission to use the site by mid January, and will advise progress here on our web site.

04/12/2017 The South Hampshire Repeater Group is pleased to announce that GB7MT our mono mode C4FM, Yaesu Fusion Fusion Repeater on UHF is now licenced.

The on air date, however is next year 2018, this is due to several points of negotiation, which are yet to conclude.

GB7MT is licenced to run 19 Watts ERP from a colinear over 150 feet above the leafy suburbs of Southampton.

In the mean time the group need still needs to obtain the repeater, Repeater filters, and UHF / VHF duplexer so it can share its aerial with GB3SH.


04/12/2017 The South Hampshire Repeater Group would like to thank The Breeze Southampton & Community Kickstart for nomination for a grant to assist in the purchase in a new
repeater to cover Southampton & the surounding area.
If you would like more information on how the kickstart could help your group and charity organisation then click on the images

18/11/2017 Sunrise from GB7IV in timelapse video 18 10/17 CLICK HERE Video From David Barrett Filmed 20ft below the aerial
18/11/2017 Power Levels in the 430 / 431Mhz Band

( listen between 439 & 440MHz )

Attention has been drawn by Ofcom to Stations working UHF Digital dedicated Repeaters, those using the "DVU" channels, with the 9MHz split, and those of us transmitting in the 430MHz to 431MHz, ( listening between 439 & 440MHz,) section of the 70cM band of which the New GB7MT, also repeaters not run by us in our area are: GB7SD, GB7DR, GB7SU, GB7JB, GB7SC, GB7KT, GB7FH, GB7MJ, GB7SX are located. Note similar restrictions apply in the 431 / 432 MHz band, but that is beyond the scope of the article. No restrictions apply on 433.910 MHz.

We all have power restrictions in this sub band, and the RA is getting miffed at too much power being run by us, so according to our licence class we need to restrict out output to:

For Foundation Licences: 10 watts ( 10DBW) ERP thats Effective radiated power ( from the aerial )
For the rest of us: Intermediate & Full Licence holders we may run ONLY 40 Watts ( 16DBW ) Effective radiated power.

The RA giveth, and the RA could take away, Yep take away your rig! They have done this as a few times as we can testify - even locals !
Question is how do we comply?
A short answer for all of us is set your rig at 5watts out! All licence classes should comply even with an aerial with 3dbd gain ( same as 6dbi ) as power is lost in the feeder.

A full article with examples is being worked upon and will be with you here soonest!



13/11/17 MEETING

The Southampton Amateur Radio Club will be meeting on Wednesday 15th November. Anyone interested to come along and talk about the repeaters
members of The South Hampshire Repeater Group will be on hand.

New and old members always welcome

WEDNESDAY Evening: 15th November 2017 at the Peartree Inn, Woolston, SO19 7GZ

1900 for 1930 : large car park, no worries parking!

Drink policy: we purchase our own they sell soft drinks / Coffee, water and booze! however they dont do meals.

29/10/2017 To Advise you that GB7 IV may be subject to going off air due to power outages week starting 30 October for likely one week.

This is due to electrical work at SMC, its current QTH, the most likely time is next Saturday 4th November when AC to that part of the building will be off for many hours, and it will have to be unplugged from the AC supply,...We have a 64AHour battery back up, but this battery is "time served" ( one we scrounged off the emergency lighting company: thanks to G4ICD on this one ) and is due for replacement when we move to Thornhill. Hopefully this will hold the repeater on the air, as its done several times over the last month during power cuts caused by the SEB in the street outside, as they installed transformers for the new "Alpha" industrial estate opposite SMC.

Other News: GB7IV likewise GB3SH And GB3SU are licenced for operation, the repeater group is awaiting permission to also a weather station. So hopefully we will have these 3, and possibly a new 4th repeater: GB7MT on air in the New Spring.

02/10/2017 DONATIONS
We have our standing order and bank details available for donations. Please click on our donations page

Just a quick line or two on progress we are moving along very close with our landlord at the site. As always things are not as fast as we like but we have to respect all
of the areas that have to be covered ie. Health & Safety, Insurance etc. We will keep you up to date with all progress as soon as we move forward. We like to keep you in the picture
of equipment, site and also the big question to be answered is the on air date.

As always thank you for your patience and understanding. Questions can always be answered via email

Click here for our bank details and donations DONATION FORM
18/08/2017 We have applied for a new bank account with HSBC, which gives us many improvements on the old one, including the facility of Direct Debits for regular inpayments,
Cheque payments which have to be double signed, for improved security. Once we have the account up and running in the next week or so we will advise you of the full details,
we are aware many are asking about inpayment options, we will be able to accept Cash, cheque, Bank transfers, and direct Debits.
We are looking at Paypal accounts, the problem here is Paypal takes a cut, HSBC does not, and were sure you'd want your full donation
to come to fund our hobby! We will give more details on this later when we know more

Best Regards Andy G4MYS

16/08/2017 DONATIONS

We as amateurs are happy to bring you these repeater projects but we are always in need to funding these projects. We alsways
need your help. Plese contact us via email if you can donate. Very soon we will have a Paypal link set up to make donations to
the project easier
09/08/2017 GB7MT Frequency:: reports requested

Im pleased to say the frequency for GB7MT our "proposed" Yaesu Fusion repeater is 439.575MHz on a 9MHz split,
its called: DVU 46

So thats 439.575MHz Listen, and we tx on 430,575Mhz.

nearest other repeater is GB7HA in Essex, so please be careful not to jam it !! -( not on air ) we know the feeling!!

the other two are: GB7HX in Huddesfield, Yorkshire

and GB7EB in Beccles in Suffolk, these three are all DMR repeaters,

while you may not have DMR capability, it would be interesting to know if there is anything to be heard on "our" frequency

reports to well me

Best regards Andy G4MYS
29/07/2017 We are pleased to say GB7IV is back on air as from 1515 local Friday 28th July.
This work has been to get the repeater Internet connected, although at this stage, IV is not yet Internet connected .... were a long way towards that goal,
we thank you for your patience, and in case your not aware we have an application in to move IV to Thornhill with a vastly improved coverage area,.... better then the old SH.

Id like to say thank you to the lads involved for their long term diligence with the digital side of this project....

We are waiting on software, then " port finding" at the current site

we are waiting on Licensing & our potential landlord for progress at the new site

Kind regards Andy the keeper

22/07/2017 New Maps from Thornhill site

21/07/2017 We have applied to the RSGB to move the repeaters GB3SH & GB3SU to the Thornhill area of Southampton, computer mapping suggests an East west coverage from
Arundel to Bournemouth, and Niton to Newbury.
As a result we are in negotiation with the site owners, and looking into other matters such as fund raising, and a Paypal account.

Due to us needing commercial aerial contractors, and the need to meet other requirements, we do know this is a very good site, we can see not only the
Spinaker tower in Portsmouth, We can see the blocks of flats in Portsmouth too, and traffic on Junction 11 of the M27 at Fareham driving to and from the roundabout!

Also requested is to Move GB 7 IV D-Star repeater which is currently in Chandlers Ford, the move will greatly improve that coverage in addition we have
requested a UHF mono mode repeater channel for a "GB7MT" which could be a Yaesu Fusion Unit.

The SHRG also held a EGM last Wednesday 19 th July to discuss:

1 adopting our Constitution, and some subtle changes to it, like AGM in May, as Renewals would be due in April as this follows the financial year

2 adoption of the RSGB's Child And Vulnerable Adult policy

also discussed was
* our fund raising, and projected purchase costs, ongoing costs, and how to afford to stay on air.
* possible need to become a registered charity in principle, its advantages and disadvantages.

Ref Adopting the constitution we had apologies from Mr Bridges G6DLJ, Mr Lorek G4HCL, with permission from both to vote to the Chairman.
John 2E0ZBE "! also apologised due to ill heath.

In attendance was G0WFQ G7POC G8RNT G4MYS as members, with members of Southampton amateur radio club as observers.

the adopting was proposed by Mr Troy and seconded by Mr Phillips with a majority vote for adoption

The RSGB Child And Vulnerable Adult policy Proposed by Mr Philips and seconded by Mr Troy with a majority vote for adoption.

members are asked to read the CAVAP please and act in accordance.

It is hoped that we will have a demonstration from Yaesu UK in August about their Fusion repeater system and its advantages to us,..
details to be announced .. and as a result there could be a need for another EGM in September.

Andy G4MYS

12/07/2017 EGM,
We need to vote on amending the existing, and adopting the Constitution as part of our application for "Funding".

All current members and others are invited to attend next

WEDNESDAY Evening: 19th July 2017 at the Peartree Inn, Woolston, 1900 for 1930 : large car park, no worries parking!

drink policy: we purchase our own they sell soft drinks, water and booze! however they dont do meals.

My Best regards OBO the committee and myself Andy G4MYS

29/05/2017 May 29th, 2017
The Group is pleased to Announce that we have had communication from our potential Landlord, they are laying certain requirements upon us, including:
Covering Landlords Costs
Legal fees
Insurance for £10M
Aerial install costs
Internet costs
Power management
Solicitors ! yes we need a solicitor!
and rent

Clarification is needed on certain points of the above list, however
For this we get possibly one of the best sites for repeaters in Southampton giving excellent coverage of South Hampshire, better then the old GB3PC and better then the old GB3SH, its so good we can see Portsmouth city.

In addition to start up costs, from the landlord, some equipment is needed, including repeater filters and a 64Bit Computer for 100% time operation, running off 12Volts DC ( this 12Volts bit is Important!!) ... for repeater linking.

GB7IV and GB3SU are racked up together....
GB3SU needs some modification to its DC circuits to remove the on board Maxon Power unit, to allow it to run from the Offboard 20Amp Yaesu Power supply which will give 3SU & 7IV battery back up.
GB7IV is on air ( from SMC at Chandlers Ford,) but is not yet linked, this is due to a change of software to run the D star linking, and other web based issues, Please bear in mind 7IV is not funded by the SHRG we simply attempt to keep it on air!

GB3SH will be fitted to its rack next week .
SMC are donating heavy duty DC cables for the battery back up for SH, SU and IV, and thick braided conductor for ( cross ) earth Bonding of the racks and equipment, they have all ready donated one of the 19" repeater racks, these will be fitted next week, we are basically pending the Yes from every organisation involved in. ..... the siting and licensing, to move the equipment to site.

All of this has and still is involving a lot of work from group members and others who are helping to get this project on air again. However to do this we need funds while the SHRG has around £1,300 in the bank, in all we need more then 3 times this amount to get on air from this excellent location, while it is a very high amount for us to find, from donations we are looking toward "funding" from varies sources, which have the potential to really help, but we are looking to our former and new members to help, and with the on going cost's, as well after start up which include rent, power, battery replacement and Internet access,
we are looking for help here in both donations and practical suggestions of fund raising.

Were looking for a solicitor too! can you help do you know someone who would help?! you can contact us at on anything related to the repeaters!
as to when we hope to be on air? this relies upon: a mix of the following:
1 the licence applications which is 1 to 20 months IWL.
2 agreement with the Potential landlord
3 funding!

without one or more of the above its no go! the committee is doing its bit ! over to you!

Andy G4MYS


Pictures (Below) of 7IV & 3SU "Racked up" together at SMC,.. 7 IV is on air of course, still not Internet linked, were expecting new software soon and to connect soon after that I hope.
SU is "On" in the picky, and in a dummy load!, for the purpose of logging power drawn. Its almost complete for photographic reasons.

Not connected is: the power, both AC & DC isolation panel.

Yet to be done is:
Fitting standoff pillars to the DC switch,
DC cables to from the battery to the switch,
AC plug to switch and PDU,
Bonding cables
RF Cables for SU to duplexer, and UHF / VHF duplexer
RF Cables IV to RX filter ( keep out pager QRM ),
GB3SU will operate from the DC PSU which will provide battery back up.
The IV duplexer's arrival are awaited, and then fitted, releasing those fitted back to SH.

The computer is sat on top due to lack of room, out of shot
Top to bottom:
SMC Badged, Yaesu 15Amp PSU,( and battery charger) - will mod a bit to improve charging

IV DC monitoring Unit:
Left hand meter: Battery charge volts and current to the battery
Right hand meters: Current drawn indication, Volts available to the Repeater

Gap for Ventilation


IV's Controller

Blank Plate to aid for cooling of SU transmitter

GB 3 SU ( with AC power unit which wont be used )

SU RSSI meter -- the space behind the meter helps the UPS unit cool

UPS unit for the computer

Blank plate: in front of top of VHF duplexers

1U gap: awaiting blank panel

AC Power Distribution Unit: for - PDU PSU Monitor test equipment as needed.

1U blank: a spacer.

Hairy letterbox: for AC cables to ingress the rack.

Space: awaiting 4U blank plate

Repeater Isolation Panel AC & Battery Isolation

4U Blank: battery behind

1U gap for ventilation battery behind

Regards Andy G4MYS Keeper GB 7 IV




We will be testing antenna's for GB3SH 16/4/17 Sunday morning aprox 10:00am on 2m. Call sign G3SOU from Toothill near Romsey. We will also be operating on 4m

Also Wednesday 19th April is the next meeting of The Southampton Amateur Radio Club. There will be a repeater update from Andy. 7:30pm At The Peartree Inn. Address: 8A Peartree Ave, Southampton SO19 7JP

Everyone welcome

Plus if your a Radio Caroline anorak we are on MW 1368khz this Easter weekend from The Ross Revenge via Manx Radio. Till 12:00 noon Monday. you can also listen on line to Radio Caroline North via



Here you can see the spec for GB 3 SH antenna

Click Image to view




In preparation of Moving GB7 IV, work is progressing on its rack, the monitoring equipment, together with progressing its connection to the world wide D Star network.

The Cat 5 Cable has been pulled through, and connected to the computer which has been programmed up with the Centros operating system, we now await work at SMC to allow traffic, then it will be down to the D star lads to make the final connection to the D star network.

A back up 32AH battery has been fitted to get GB 7 IV over browns out and short black outs which are fairly common in
Chandlers Ford.

However the Computer, which is needed for Linking, will only have an UPS to power it down in the event of a 20 minute or longer power cut.

The D Star Icom Repeater surprisingly lacks any Meters or LEDS to tell us what its doing, so a 19" 3U rack unit has been built with the purpose of monitoring PSU / Battery Volts and Current drawn, thus showing its is receiving / idle or transmitting!

Monitoring of battery charge current and voltage, the photos show the Voltage Monitoring Fitted, however we await the Battery monitoring meter, which is on its way from China, as its 1/3 of the price of UK supplied models!

12/01/2017 The IV group is pleased to announce that it has now obtained its own set of 6 Caverty filter's paid for by IV Group funds, which will allow the Caverties which are on loan from the off air GB 3 SH to be returned to GB3 SH repeater for use when the new site to the East of the city becomes available early in 2017.

The Caverties are British Made by "Aerial Facilities", and are second hand, as redundant equipment from a repeater group in Northern Britain.

We will have photos and data soonest for your consideration and interest.
